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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Balgaddy access Part 8


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

”That this area committee calls on access on Balgaddy Road (Opposite church) be reopened as a pedestrian/ cycleway access by way of a part 8 public consultation to allow access to local shops and services for the local residents.”



SDCC is supportive of the proposal to provide pedestrian/cycleway access at this location in the interests of improving permeability.

There was planning permission for a pedestrian access but it was not provided by the developer. This planning permission has now expired.

Further investigations are ongoing in relation to a possible mechanism to provide the access – Planning/Part 8/other. If a pedestrian/cycleway access is to be provided it would have to be constructed along private property for a distance of 80m approx to tie-in to the existing network within the complex. SDCC would not fund a development on private property.

Investigations are ongoing on possible funding sources.

A final report on the options will be provided to the next area committee meeting.
