Wednesday, June 17, 2015
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
“That this committee asks for a report and an update on Q13 from April ’15 and ask how can this question below be progressed?
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
To ask the Chief Executive to look at the use of our Civic offices in Clondalkin to promote diversity, inclusion and equality in displays and will aim to mark events in our Civic Offices and that the Social Inclusion department of SDCC to be involved in this, to look at the use of the downstairs meeting room as a room that could be used to hold such events and upgrade this room as a civic events room? Also the notice board in main lobby to promote such events.”
The reply below was issued in April 2015:
Throughout the year the Social Inclusion Unit organises a range of events, activities, competitions, initiatives and projects to encourage participation by everyone in the community. This includes:
We make extensive use of our public spaces, libraries, Council Chamber by organising photographic exhibitions, events, launches, activities, openings, readings and performances. The Social Inclusion Unit welcomes all contributions towards improving our events and any proposals in this regard should be made to the unit.
The Council will examine the refurbishment of the meeting room on the ground floor ground and the installation of a Digital Notice Board for the Clondalkin Civic Offices.
Since April 2015, the Council’s Architectural Services Department have commenced work on the preparation of a framework tender to carry out remedial works on our civic buildings. In addition the Council’s Communication Unit have sought a quotation for the installation of a digital information screen for the Clondalkin Civic offices.
The Council is currently drafting a programme of events for the upcoming Health and Wellbeing Week in September 2015 and Social Inclusion Week in November 2015 and will consider the use of the Civic Offices in Clondalkin for exhibitions and events.