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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

cleaning schedule


Wednesday, March 18, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

That this Committee look at issuing a new cleaning schedule given the litter issues and given the huge increased population of the Newcastle area and review a schedule for checking estates in the Bawnogue and North Clondalkin area.


The large increase in population in the Newcastle area coincides with a large increase in housing developments and estates built in recent times. A lot of these estates are not under the control of the Council and the maintenance and upkeep of them including litter control is a matter for the landowners or developers.  The Council undertakes regular litter inspections in Newcastle and undertakes litter and cleansing operations as required. As a general rule this is restricted to the older estates and main roads which are in charge. These areas are not considered to be prone to high levels of littering.  In addition to this community cleanup material is removed from two locations in the village on a monthly basis in agreement with the local community group.

The Bawnogue and North Clondalkin areas are inspected for littering on a regular basis. Both areas suffer from high levels of dumping and littering with some areas more prone to persistent dumping. These areas are checked more frequently and material removed when found.  During the grass cutting season the inspection of estates for littering is also undertaken as part of a progress review of how the grass cutting schedule is progressing.
