Wednesday, October 21, 2015
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Cathaoireleach’s Business
“That this committee works with SDCC to develop a Clondalkin area person of the Year Awards to recognise the unsung heroes in the Clondalkin area and ask for a report on how this could be progressed.”
The Council’s Community Development Team would not have the resources to develop a proposal as outlined in the motion. Equally there is no financial provision made with the Council’s Budget to finance such a proposal.
Members should note that the Community Development Team is at present finalising arrangements for the launch of the Council’s Community Endeavour Awards, which will provide an opportunity for all Community Groups and individuals in the County to nominate those who they consider worthy of recognition for an award under one of the many Award Categories. Members will recall that this proposal has been the subject of a number of recent reports to the Council from the Social and Community Strategic Policy Committee.
The Community Endeavour Awards has the objective of recognising and rewarding community effort and achievement on a countywide basis including individual effort for the betterment of their communities. The Awards have been developed at a countywide level specifically to avoid local schemes run by voluntary groups.
The Community Endeavour Awards will be advertised with full details on categories within the next two weeks, with the Awards night confirmed for Friday the 11th of December in the Morans Red Cow Hotel.