Wednesday, December 17, 2014


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

That South Dublin County Council acknowledges Fairtrade Fortnight from 23 February – 8 March 2015. This is an opportunity to bring people into Clondalkin and to utilise the Council building to hold events and promote Fairtrade so as to mark this important fortnight.


While South Dublin County Council acknowledges fairtrade fortnight, it should be noted that it has no retailing function in Clondalkin. However, given that the at the core of fairtrade is the promotion of fair trade retailing coupled with community involment, it is suggested, that if the fairtrade committee liaises with the Council, stickers similar to those produced for the village Wi-Fi initiative can be produced for distribution to those retailers and other organisations taking part in the fairtrade initiative.

As stated previously consideration will be given to how to appropriately promote this in consultation with the Chamber of Commerce and Tidy Towns Committee and in the context of the village improvement scheme for the village. This will take place as part of the on-going village improvement scheme. Furthermore, as part of its ongoing work to promote economic development The Council is working closely with the South Dublin Chamber and a number of retail fora have been established through the Sustaining Business Executive to support retailing in the County