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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

Grass Cutting


Monday, July 13, 2015


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report on Grass cutting in SDCC. Is this given out to private contractors ? is the area suppose to have litter picked up in advance of grass cutting? Is the standard inspected after work is carried out? is the grass supposed to be picked up after cutting? what is the standard expected?


Grass cutting of parks, housing estates and main roads in charge in the county is undertaken by staff in the Public Realm Department. The Public Realm Section has not engaged any contractors to carry out grass cutting in 2015. Grass cutting has been underway across the county since mid March of this year. Grass cutting was commenced somewhat earlier than in 2014 to counter some of the difficulties experienced last year and this measure has largely been a success despite difficult weather and ground conditions experienced up to early June.
Litter picking is scheduled to be carried out in advance of grass cutting to ensure that areas are as clear as possible before grass cutting takes place. Grass cutting standards are monitored by local management and any issues arising are generally dealt with at that level. It is expected that grass is cut in accordance with the frequencies set down in the schedule with playing pitches scheduled for cutting on a weekly basis and all other areas scheduled for fortnightly cutting.

The Councils grass cutting equipment is not designed to collect cut grass, neither is it practicable or necessary to do so. The volume of grass arising from cutting approximately 1100ha of land would present considerable transport and waste disposal issues with associated costs. It is not necessary to collect grass after cutting as cut grass forms part of the nitrogen cycle and returns nutrients to the soil.
