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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice



Wednesday, May 20, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

“Given the scale of the Homeless issue in the Clondalkin area and following motion 41187 (Detailed below) passed in November 2014 we ask that the Chief Executive present a list of sites suitable for a Homeless hostel and that all options be presented to this area committee as a matter of urgency so a plan of action can be drawn up and the relevant Department can be lobbied for funding. Also that a full update be given on funding for social housing.”

41187 Councillor F. Timmons Clondalkin Area Committee Clondalkin Area Committee Meeting 19 Nov 2014 Motions 22/10/2014
Given the growing Homelessness issue in the Clondalkin area , the area committee calls for immediate action , we call for an emergency hostel to be built in Clondalkin. We also call on the Government to release funds in order to build social housing. We ask that the Alan Kelly T.D Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government be written to an that the crisis nature of the situation be expressed.



On the 30th April 2015, there are 287 households registered homeless (cumulative) which is broken down as follows:

Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15
Single Male  140  143  154  156
Single Male (eligible for 2bed)  N/A  N/A  N/A  16
Single Female  26  29  27  30
Couples  7  7  7  6
Families  60  65  79  79

No. presenting to Homeless Services Unit since 1st January 2015:

Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15
Unique Individuals / Families 238 233 185 224

Homeless services continue to provide services to those persons presenting homeless on a daily basis and continue in co-operation with Central Placement Services provide the necessary homeless accommodation.

During the period 01/01/2015 to 30/04/2015, SDCC have made 33 allocations to applicants registered homeless with a further 26 allocations pending.

Currently, we have a supported temporary accommodation facility in Tallaght being managed by Peter McVerry Trust.   In co-operation with Housing Agency, a further facility has been secured in Tallaght to provide step-down accommodation for 65 families, currently resident in unsuitable hotel accommodation across Dublin City.

A Report on Part VIII of the Planning and Development Regulations (2001- 2008) was previously made to the Council in November 2010, to provide a supported accommodation facility of 8 units at Liscarne Gardens for residents in the Clondalkin/Lucan area.  However this did not go ahead.

In light of the financial constraints and the difficulty in identifying an suitable location in Clondalkin to date, there has been no further proposals to Council.  However, we are committed towards the provision of a Facility for Supported Temporary Accommodation in the Clondalkin / Lucan, particularly in conjunction with current infill housing proposals.
