Wednesday, September 16, 2015
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
“To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on the on going litter issue and what plans are in place to deal with this. Also to ask if any campaign will be undertaken by SDCC to deal with this on-going and costly issue?”
The Council’s Public Realm Section provides a village cleaning and litter bin maintenance service, a cleansing and illegal dumping response as well as routine scheduled litter picking on street and in public parks and open spaces. In addition, participants in the Gateway Labour Activation Scheme are also deployed to a range of litter and cleaning tasks in the Public Realm area.
It is the management view that the measures in place to collect litter and waste are quite effective and that many parts of the county would be considered to be clean to European norms. The Draft Litter Management Plan 2015 – 2019 sets out the broad strategy for maintaining and improving our efforts towards a litter free county.
The Council’s Litter Warden Service investigate all reports of illegal dumping and litter. All dumped material is searched for evidence and appropriate enforcement action taken, where possible. Increasingly, it is found that no personal information relating to the polluter is contained with the dumped material with personal information having been shredded or removed. Accordingly, we are increasingly dependent on members of the public to support the Council in efforts to identify alleged polluters and to provide the necessary information to allow the appropriate enforcement action to be taken.