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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

local area plan – Balgaddy, North Clondalkin and Bawnogue areas


Wednesday, October 21, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

Cathaoirleach’s Business

“That this area committee agrees to ask the Chief Executive that a local area plan be looked specifically for Balgaddy, North Clondalkin and Bawnogue areas to improve and revitalise these areas.”


Section 19 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended sets out the criteria for the preparation of a Local Area Plan. Local Area Plans may be prepared for areas which are likely to be subject to large scale development.

It is mandatory for a planning authority to make a local area plan in respect of an area which:

a)   is designated as a town in the most recent census of population;

b)   has a population in excess of 5,000; and

c)   is situated in the functional area of a planning authority which is a county council.

A Planning Authority must also indicate land use zoning objectives for any town or village within its functional area where the population of that town or village is between 1,500 and 5,000 persons. In this context the local authority has a discretionary power to make a local area plan for such an area. Some non-statutory studies or frameworks are prepared by the local authority to give guidance on specific development proposals working within the relevant development plan or local area plan parameters.

A decision to make a local area plan in such cases should consider the degree to which major development is anticipated so as to justify the preparation of a standalone local area plan. The area identified in the motion is already substantially developed, large scale future development is not anticipated.

Notwithstanding the above the preparation of all such plans is subject to the prioritisation of work in the context of statutory requirements which must be undertaken.

Given that both the County Development Plan is currently under review, and that work on a new Clonburris Strategic Development Zone Plan is also planned it is considered that these plans must take priority over the coming 12 months and that the long term planning for the area in question will be adequately covered in both these documents.
