Wednesday, December 09, 2015
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Cathaoireleach’s Business
“That the Chief Executive amends the existing Clondalkin Architectural Conservation Area to include Mount St.Joseph Cemetery, Monastery Road and this is also added to Schedule 2 Record of Protected Structures in the SDCC Development Plan 2016-2022”
Saint Joseph’s Cemetery has been inspected by South Dublin County Council’s Conservation Officer. The Cemetary is not recorded in the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht) and, when assessed against criteria outlined in national guidance in relation to Architectural Conservation Areas and Protected Structures, it was considered that it did not meet the required criteria to merit protected status under Planning and Development Legislation. It is noted that this issue was addressed under Motion 279 of the February 2015 County Development Plan Meeting.
The Conservation Officer advises that it may warrant protection under the Record of Monuments and Places, which is maintained by the National Monuments Service. The Councils Architectural Conservation Officer has undertook to contact the National Monuments Services to highlight that this site is not included on the Record of Monuments and Places. The decision to provide statutory protection for this site under the Record of Monuments and Places can only be made by the National Monuments Services.