Wednesday, November 18, 2015
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
“That this committee agrees to look at how this area of Tidy Towns can be improved? Tidy Towns adjudicators Noted ‘’Street names and buildings did not seem to be present in many areas’’ and to ask SDCC to outlay any plans? Structures such as 1) RIC Barracks, 2) Monastery Graveyard 3) St Brigid’s well etc, also Tidy Towns adjudicators noted ‘’The information panel at the tower itself is in a difficult position to read.’’
In respect of the matter raised in the motion, it is anticipated that the proposed Village Signage programme may address the matters pertaining to the Heritage locations identified.
The proposed schedule for the implementation of County Village Signage is before the Economic Enterprise and Tourism SPC of November 11th.
As has been the practice in the case of the pilot in Tallaght, the initial phase not only incorporates wayfinding for walking and cycling access but also presents the existing Village Heritage Walks designed by our Libraries (available online in audio and in booklet form at and some of the locations specified in the motion are already referenced on said walks.
In the case of Tallaght project, following phase 1, during phase 2 further research and interpretation is ongoing by our expanded Local Studies Unit with a view to presenting some further information on local heritage in the environs of the Village.
The implementation of such signage at other Village locations will therefore be addressed through this structured, phased approach, with expansion of interpretative information on heritage features in phase 2, after wayfinding signage is installed in phase 1.In this context, subject to SPC of November 11th, it is intended that the enhanced signage and heritage information in the Village will be co-ordinated to synchronise with the development of the Round Tower Centre.
In this regard members should be aware of the Clondalkin Heritage Event the Council is hosting on Saturday November 21st at Clondalkin Civic Offices, invitations for which have issued to members.