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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

playground for Newcastle


Wednesday, September 17, 2014


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive to ascertain the current situation of the proposed playground for Newcastle. Has the €120,000 been made available and has a site been identified? What is the timeline for starting and finishing this much needed facility?


The Five Year Play Space Programme 2014 – 2018 includes for a play space in Newcastle and to be constructed in 2015. The procedure developed in dealing with the programme in 2014 was to initiate local consultation with key local groups or individuals to investigate possible locations and issues and to then proceed to a full public consultation and to which the local Elected Members would be invited. It is likely that a similar exercise will be adopted in dealing with the 2015 programme.

In order to advance the 2015 programme it is proposed to commence the consultation in November 2014 and to brief the Elected Members (and particularly the newly elected members) on the experiences and outcomes of the 2014 programme.
