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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

property tax


Thursday, March 26, 2015


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on how much property tax has been paid by the public by area and what benefits people in each area can expect for there paying the property tax?


The Revenue Commissioners are responsible for the collection of Local Property Tax (LPT) and have reported that the local property tax collection in respect of properties in South Dublin County Council was €32.2M for 2014.  The information is provided on a county wide basis and has not been made available by area.

The Local Property Tax allocation to South Dublin for 2015 was computed as follows:

Projected 2015 LPT €32,653,416
Less: LPT 20% to Equalisation Fund (€6,530,683)
LPT allocated to SDCC (80%) €26,122,733  

This €26.1M allocation was reduced by €4,898,012 to €21,224,721  following the Council’s decision to reduce 2015 LPT by 15%.

The Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG) advised that the 2015 allocation should be applied as follows:

Discretionary expenditure €2,556,577
Local roads maintenance and improvement €2,886,859
Housing Association/Voluntary Body related loan repayments €7,026,000
Housing construction related projects €8,755,285

The 2015 LPT income of €21.2M was assigned to fund the related 2015 budgets as above in accordance with the DECLG instructions.  In addition the discretionary expenditure of €2,556,577 will be used to fund services such as the libraries, parks and open spaces and the fire service which do not have a sufficent income from grants and other incomes to meet the expenditure requirements of the adopted budget.


