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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

public consultation for the Development of the Bush centre


Wednesday 17th September 2014


QUESTION: Councillor Francis Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive for a public consultation for the Development of the Bush centre in Balgaddy as outlined in the area development plans. To meet with residents of Balgaddy to discuss the delivery of planned facilities that would address both the parish and residents needs and concerns?


The Bush Centre is not in the ownership of the Council and is understood to be Diocesan property.

Specific Local Objective No. 27 of the current County Development Plan 2010-16 (page 268) refers to the redevelopment of lands at the Bush Centre and Parochial House at Foxdene in partnership with the parish of South Lucan to include the delivery of a new community centre for the Balgaddy/South Lucan area. The Council has not been formally appraised of any plans currently being developed for this centre.

However consideration can be given to the development of a partnership type approach to any proposal but such a plan would have to be examined in the first instance having regard to the availability of any funding and the viability and sustainability of plan.
