Wednesday, May 20, 2015
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
“That this committee write to Retired Active Men’s Social (RAMS group) in Newcastle and congratulate them for reaching a 5 year anniversary (in September) and acknowledge the vital contribution they play in the community in Newcastle. Also to look at any supports they can be given in order to continue and also to enable them mark their anniversary in September.
The Community Services Department has developed a great working relationship and close association with the Retired Active Men’s Social over the last 5 years and are very conscious of the excellent work and vital contribution the group play in the community life of Newcastle.
Members of the Community Development Team have been actively involved with the group from its inception, advising and assisting the group members from their initial formation right through to working with the group on many of its current projects.
The group over the last 5 years have grown from strength to strength, they have both been great champions for local community effort and community development in their own local Newcastle area but also now further afield becoming actively involved in a variety of community development and social inclusion initiatives throughout the County.
The local Community Development team is currently working with the group on their proposals to mark and celebrate their 5th anniversary. These proposals together with an associated costing will be considered and Members can be assured that Community Services will do their utmost to assist with their planned activities.
If the motion is passed a letter of congratulations can issue on behalf of the Area Committee and the Council.