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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

rates to Businesses


Monday, October 12, 2015


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive how SDCC could cut rates to Businesses in order to encourage new enterprise and aid struggling businesses. Many struggle already with high rents.



As part of the annual budgetary process the Council sets the Annual Rate on Valuation. This annual rate, when multiplied by the Rateable Valuation of rateable properties, determines the amount of rates payable for each property.

As can be seen from the table below, the Annual Rate on Valuation has remained unchanged for the past 3 years at 0.162, which is a reduction of 5.26% on the 2009 Rate.


Year Multiplier Variation from Previous Year Variation from 2009
2015 0.162 0.00% -5.26%
2014 0.162 0.00% -5.26%
2013 0.162 0.00% -5.26%
2012 0.162 -2.41% -5.26%
2011 0.166 -0.60% -2.92%
2010 0.167 -2.34% -2.34%
2009 0.171


Every percentage variation in the Annual Rate represents €1.23m in revenue, and any reduction or increase applies to all ratepayers.

In 2014 the Business Support Grant was introduced to assist small to medium businesses, i.e. ratepayers whose annual rates were €10,000 or less.

The amount of grant available is as follows:

Desc Grant Amount
up to €1,500 p.a €75
€1,501 to €3000 p.a €180
€3,001 to €5,000 p.a €320
€5,001 to €7,000 p.a €480
€7,001 to €10,000 p.a €670


