Monday, June 08, 2015
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
To ask the Chief Executive to look into a campaign to get people to register to vote in advance of next General Election and to ask that he pass on my thanks to the Voter registration department for there huge efforts and work pre the recent referendum’s. Also to ask for a report on how many registered pre referendums and how many missed the deadline.
The Council carried out significant Voter Registration Drives leading up to the Referendums. These included a drive in IT TAllaght with the Mayor and in Killinarden Community Centre and with Foroige as well and timely advertisments ” Your Right to Vote” placed in all Local Newpapers. The Council also in collaboration with “ACT “Active Citizens Together, and the Social Inclusion Unit will continue to actively engage in campaigns to increase participation in the democratic process. In relation to the nos who registered in the Supplement to the Regiser of Electors there were 2,634 electors . There were 282 late Applications forms received to go on the Supplement. These are now being added to the Draft Register to enable those aplicants to vote in the next Election