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Cllr Francis Timmons – Independent Voice

review of bins


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

”That this Committee calls on SDCC for a review of all bins in the Clondalkin area and that bins be placed at all Bus stops and in strategic place in order to keep Clondalkin area a tidier place and in order to maximise their usage”


The litter bins in the Clondalkin area are checked on a daily basis and serviced as required. The Council has already provided litter bins in the vicinity of bus stops in the Clondalkin area but would not be in a position to provide bins at every bus stop. The Council welcomes suggestions for the placement of litter bins and will consider each request on its own merits.

Since the re-introduction of a weekend cleansing service in Clondalkin Village last year, a marked improvement has been noted in the village area. Regrettably, in the general Clondalkin area, there are a number of litter blackspots where repeated dumping is taking place, generally under cover of darkness.

The Council would welcome any information from the local community which might assist the Council’s enforcement section in identifying and prosecuting the offenders.
