Wednesday, January 21, 2015


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

”That this Area Committee calls on SDCC to provide electricity for St Marks Community Garden that would allow for further development of this vital community space. The Garden could also be used by North Clondalkin Tidy Towns and Local Men. Also that St Marks Community Garden should be written to and congratulated on the wonderful Christmas garden and Christmas event they held for the community. ”


The Councils Estate Officer works closely with the residents in St.Marks with regard to the Community Garden. In the last year we have spent in the region of €3000 on the provision of paving slabs, small walls, seeds, and provision towards the Christmas Party. To date the Community Garden is a great success within the community.

The Council have not had any request for an electricity supply to the garden. However we will examine this request in conjunction with the organisers of the garden in terms of the demand/need for it, the feasibility and also what costs are involved etc. Specifically we will need to examine the safety implications of a supply that is not under control and supervision of an individual.

In terms of the use of the Garden all local groups are welcome.