”Given that the lowest points scored in National Tidy Towns was on Sustainable Waste and Resource Management. We ask that the Council help Tidy Towns in any way on this and that the Council draws up a plan to deal with this matter as soon as possible”
In addition to supports provided by the Community Department to Tidy Towns groups Environmental Awareness can provide the following supports to Tidy Towns groups which will assist with the Sustainable Waste and Resource Management section of the application as follows:
Repair cafes – jointly organised by Tidy Towns groups and Environmental Awareness
Stop food waste Challenge
this Challenge has already been provided St Tabolts JNS and SNS Clondalkin
a challenge is currently being organised with St Ronans N.S Deansrath
Environmental Awareness can provide the challenge to Tidy Towns groups who can then provide the information to the wider community
Tidy Towns groups could also link in with schools in local area regarding the challenge
Tidy Towns group can organise a WEEE collection through CCRI (Clondalkin Community Recycling initiative) or WEEE Ireland
Tidy Towns groups can contact Recreate http://recreate.ie/ and establish a relationship with the organisation that focuses on sourcing unwanted, end-of-line surplus materials from business and makes them available to members such asschools, pre- schools, youth groupsandart groups for creative activities
Environmental Awareness can provide Tidy Towns groups with leaflets on “How to Manage from your home leaflet” which they can distribute to the local community.