Wednesday, September 16, 2015
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Cathaoirleach’s Business
“That this area committee calls for an update report on the motion passed at Aprils ACM , This report to include 1) What consulation has happened with the Balgaddy Working Together Group? 2) the Independent Health Officers and Fire Officers and Structural Engineers reports and 3) why the ACM have not been updated on a monthly basis as agreed?”
South Dublin County Council’s Estate Officer and Community Worker have always been available to meet with the Balgaddy Working together Group and have since the April meeting reinvigorated contact with them to ensure all items of interest in the estate are dealt with. To this end they have met with the group on the 14th July and the 29th July in the Meile An Ri Family Centre. We are liaising with them on an ongoing basis in relation to a number of items such as the Council’s program for communal doors, maintenance of units, repairs to the playground etc.
The Estate Officer for the area has been on holidays during the month of August, however their newly appointed Community Worker has been consulting with this group on a regular basis and is currently attending their weekly Monday evening meetings in the Meile an Ri Family Centre.
Over the summer months the Architects Department and the Environmental Health Officers have undertaken extensive inspections of the properties agreed. A number of delays have occurred due to tenants not being available but these have been resolved and all inspections have now been undertaken. A full and comprehensive report on the findings along with any remedial works suggested is being prepared and will be made available to the next meeting of the committee.
The committee was informed in April that this work was being undertaken and a report would be brought back as soon as possible. As inspections have been ongoing since then there has been nothing further to report.