South Dublin is getting a rainbow crosswalk
Proposed by Councillor Francis Timmons, SDCC have reached an agreement to begin work on a rainbow crosswalk in South Dublin in a move to promote equality.

South Dublin County Council has agreed in full to commence work on a new project and symbol of equality for LGBTQ+ people; a rainbow crosswalk.
The project was proposed by Councillor Francis Timmons in a meeting on Monday, November 8, and suitable locations are now being considered by The Director of Land Use and Planning.
“I put this motion down as I feel visual reminders of LGBTQ+ community and equality are important,” Cllr Timmons, who grew up in Clondalkin, said to GCN. “I feel we are a very open council. We raise the Pride flag every year for Pride month and the Trans flag for Transgender Day of Remembrance yearly.”
“These are symbols of how far we have come as a country and send a message of acceptance and equality,” he continues. “They may not mean a lot to some but for someone struggling with their sexuality, or finding it difficult to come out, they are strong reminders of acceptance from their community. Likewise, the rainbow crosswalk can be a symbol of acceptance and equality.”
Cllr Timmons, who identifies as gay, also has a motion down for the South Dublin County Council meeting in December to call on the Department of Health to immediately review the donation of blood by GBMSM in Ireland.
“Ireland imposes harsher restrictions on gay and bi men who wish to donate blood than most other European countries,” the motion reads. “All blood donations should be based solely on individual behaviours, not gender or sexuality. We commit to sending this motion to the Minister for Health for his consideration and review.”
“I would like to send my solidarity to all members of the LGBTQ+ community,” Cllr Timmons concluded. “I would encourage everyone to live the life they are meant to live; never to be afraid to be yourself and celebrate being a member of the LGBTQ+ community. I spent a long time in the closet it’s a lonely place to be. Get involved in a campaign and use your voice to help others!”
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